Whenever I see one of my most favourite comedians' shows, I always remember what my very good friend (who I dragged into his show) said to me, which is, "You laugh your head off during the show, but you don't remember anything after that". My friend has been a fan of Tony Law, ever since, too.
I love Tony Law's comedy because you cannot see anything like this. His "WiP" style (scripted or otherwise) is a part of the package. It could be even the feature of the show. And the finale this time won't disappoint you just like any of his other shows. Love to go see it again.
トニーさんの新ネタ60分。今回のショーのタイトルはIdentifiesなんだけど(爆)このタイトルにした(というか、なった?)経緯に笑い、Fuck the (infra) structureって金言だな、と感心するほどのTone Zoneで(笑 今回はちまちまBrexitがらみのスパイス入れながら愛犬ウルフィーくんとの世界の歴史トラベル話で盛り上がり、最後は爆笑号泣ものの弾き語りでシメ。最後音楽でシメルところはformat的に、最後フタして終わり!出来上がり!的な感じでどこをどうとってもトニーさんのコメディが楽しめます。トニーさん好きなら期待は裏切りません。
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