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Edinburgh Fringe 2019 Marcel Lucont の No. Dix 観ました。

(English memo for those who visited this blog AND don't know who Marcel Lucont or what his show is like)

For the last few days I somehow had a few chances to talk to random strangers how brilliant this show was and they all somehow said I'm really good at it (and I hope they really went to the show) so I will write down what I said to them.
"It's a character comedy. Marcel Lucont is French but he's creation by a brit comic called Alexis Dubus. Been around for 10+ years or something. The show this year got particularly political but it's sharp and super funny as Marcel says whatever he wants from non-Brit perspectives, which in fact, said by a Brit. So if you are interested in this particular situation Britain is in, you will be having a great time. Lots of songs and music, and spoken words. The finale, I saw on the first night, was immense so god knows how better it will get as the fringe properly kicks off."


自分の過去記事探ったらなんと2016年以来久々のMarcelでした。(去年も一昨年もスコットランドの別のフェスには来てたんだけど・・・)キャラだけでなく中の人も両方ツイッターでフォローしているせいか、Brexit問題はかなり怒ってるのが認識できていたので、そーじゃないかなーと思ったら、ポリティカル度がかなり上がってました。いい意味で。何しろ彼はフレンチなので、とても「Fascinating Time」にいると。マルセルによるこのご時世をどうやって楽しむかの指南書は、エスプリなのでおちょくることはあっても攻撃的ではなく、ジャズバンドの生演奏と、Spoken wordsでしっとりと攻めてました。最後の詩の朗読でクリスマスをテーマにしたSpoken Wordsが、聖なるものと下劣なものと人間との三位一体で、かつてのStewart Leeのトイレと神ネタをちょっと思い出しちゃいました。


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