今回のことの発端はラッセル・ブランド(はい、あのケイティ・ペリーちゃんの元ダンナです)が超真面目な左寄りの政治雑誌「New Statesman」のゲストエディターに就任したことからです。就任の経緯に至っては「魅力的な女性から「ゲストエディターにならない?」って誘われたから」だそうで(→ ホントかどうかわからないがネタだということだけは確かではないかと!笑)そこで「革命」をテーマし、ほぼしょっぱなから
I have never voted. Like most people I am utterly disenchanted by
politics. Like most people I regard politicians as frauds and liars and
the current political system as nothing more than a bureaucratic means
for furthering the augmentation and advantages of economic elites. http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2013/10/russell-brand-on-revolution
I don’t vote because to me it seems like a tacit act of compliance; http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2013/10/russell-brand-on-revolution
They see no difference between Cameron, Clegg, Boris, either of the Milibands or anyone else. To them these names are as obsolete as Lord Palmerston or Denis Healey. http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2013/10/russell-brand-on-revolution
The London riots in 2011, which were condemned as nihilistic and materialistic by Boris and Cameron (when they eventually returned from their holidays), were by that very definition political. These young people have been accidentally marketed to their whole lives without the economic means to participate in the carnival. After some draconian sentences were issued, measures that the white-collar criminals who capsized our economy with their greed a few years earlier avoided, and not one hoodie was hugged, the compliance resumed. Apathy reigned. http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2013/10/russell-brand-on-revolution
Along with the absolute, all-encompassing total corruption of our political agencies by big business, this apathy is the biggest obstacle to change. http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2013/10/russell-brand-on-revolution
At this point I’d attended a few protests and I loved them...(略)The disruption of normalcy a vital step in any revolution. Even aesthetically, aside from the ideology, I beam at the spectacle of disruption, even when quite trivial. http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2013/10/russell-brand-on-revolution
ええ?! デモや抗議なの?! ええっと(汗)だったらすでに、この15年くらいMark Thomasせんせいがやっておられますが…Mark Thomasせんせいが鬼の勢いでイロイロ変化を起こしてくださっていますが…それでも、状況がまったく変わっておらないんですが…(汗)
For me the solution has to be primarily spiritual and secondarily political. http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2013/10/russell-brand-on-revolution
By spiritual I mean the acknowledgement that our connection to one another and the planet must be prioritised. http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2013/10/russell-brand-on-revolution
どっええええええええ?! …(汗)と、まあこんな感じでひと通り読み終わるじゃないですか。”いや、コレはないだろう”と思っているわけですよ。700万というリッキー・ジャーヴェイスの人気度がハナクソに見えるほどバケものケタなフォロワーのいるラッセル・ブランドが特に具体案もなく、投票を否定するのは、どうよ、国がヤバい方向まっしぐらでしょう。と眉間に皺をよせるわけです。
そんななか、Peep Show そして現在BBCでRev.のライターさんが執筆する風刺コメディ
ドラマ「Ambassadors」に主演中のMitchell & Webbのロバート・ウエブが、Russell, choosing to vote is the most British kind of revolution there is..ってThe New Statesmanに寄稿しましてん。
It’s about influence and engagement. You have a theoretical 7.1 million (mostly young) followers on Twitter. They will have their own opinions about everything and I have no intention of patronising them. But what I will say is that when I was 15, if Stephen Fry had advised me to trim my eyebrows with a Flymo, I would have given it serious consideration. I don’t think it’s your job to tell young people that they should engage with the political process. But I do think that when you end a piece about politics with the injunction “I will never vote and I don’t think you should either”, then you’re actively telling a lot of people that engagement with our democracy is a bad idea. That just gives politicians the green light to neglect the concerns of young people because they’ve been relieved of the responsibility of courting their vote. http://www.newstatesman.com/2013/10/russell-choosing-vote-most-british-kind-revolution-there
Maybe it’s this timidity in you that leads you into another mistake: the idea that revolution is un-British. Actually, in the modern era, the English invented it, when we publicly decapitated Charles I in 1649. We got our revolution out of the way long before the French and the Americans. http://www.newstatesman.com/2013/10/russell-choosing-vote-most-british-kind-revolution-there
おおおお! たしかに!!
You’re a wonderful talker but on the page you sometimes let your style get ahead of what you actually think. In putting the words “aesthetically” and “disruption” in the same sentence, you come perilously close to saying that violence can be beautiful. Do keep an eye on that. Ambiguity around ambiguity is forgivable in an unpublished poet and expected of an arts student on the pull: for a professional comedian demoting himself to the role of “thinker”, with stadiums full of young people hanging on his every word, it won’t really do. http://www.newstatesman.com/2013/10/russell-choosing-vote-most-british-kind-revolution-there
I understand your ache for the luminous, for a connection beyond yourself. Russell, we all feel like that. Some find it in music or literature, some in the wonders of science and others in religion. But it isn’t available any more in revolution. We tried that again and again, and we know that it ends in death camps, gulags, repression and murder. In brief, and I say this with the greatest respect, please read some fucking Orwell. http://www.newstatesman.com/2013/10/russell-choosing-vote-most-british-kind-revolution-there
Oh no! @arobertwebb v @rustyrockets! Steve Coogan v @realDmitchell! Politics is tearing the comedy community apart! #settleitwithagagometerが代弁してくれてるかな…という気がしないわけでも…ないです…(汗)そして、やっぱりMark Thomasじゃない?芸人さんが何かやるなら、Mark Thomasみたいに、やればいいんじゃない? という気もちょっとだけしています…。
— David Baddiel (@Baddiel) October 30, 2013