今年はFin TaylorさんとSam Campbell王子が来ない!のでかなり落ち込んでます。・・・特に後者ロンドンやアイルランドなどうろちょろしまくってるくせに、メルボルンでPaul Williamsとやった新作がめちゃくちゃ5つ星だったのに・・・(号泣)Zoe Coombs Marrさんが来てくれたからバーターくらいに考えないといけないのも。でもこの1年かなり盛り上がってたのでつ、つらいわ・・・
とはいえ今年は超久しぶりにNick Helmが2作掲げて来てくれるのと
その他、我らのTony Lawさんが新作をやるほか、Phil Nicolと別にショーをやるのと、ウキウキComedy Aucutionも予定されているので、なんとか全部見に行ってやるつもりです。
あとMichael LeggeさんとMarcel Lucontも久しぶりなので超楽しみです!
Ciarán Dowd: Padre Rodolfo
Upstairs - Pleasance Courtyard
Katie Storey Productions
16+ (Restriction)
Clive Anderson: Me, Macbeth and I
Three - Assembly George Square Studios
Broken Robot / So Comedy in association with Curtis Brown
14+ (Restriction)
Desiree Burch: Desiree's Coming Early!
The Big Cave - Heroes @ The Hive
Desiree Burch / Ebdon Management / Heroes
18+ (Restriction)
Ed Night: Jokes of Love and Hate
Beside - Pleasance Courtyard
Mick Perrin Worldwide in association with IAM
16+ (Restriction)
Jamali Maddix: Work in Progress
Monkey Barrel 2 - Monkey Barrel Comedy
IAM Presents
16+ (Restriction)
John Kearns: Double Take and Fade Away
Monkey Barrel 3 - Monkey Barrel Comedy
John Kearns
16+ (Guideline)
John-Luke Roberts: After Me Comes the Flood (But in French) drip splosh splash drip BLUBBP BLUBBP BLUBBPBLUBBPBLUBBP!!
Two - Assembly George Square Studios
Impatient Productions
12+ (Guideline)
John-Luke Roberts: Terrible Wonderful Adaptations
One - Assembly George Square Studios
Impatient Productions
14+ (Guideline)
Michael Legge: The Idiot
Stand 1 - The Stand Comedy Club
Michael Legge / The Stand Comedy Club
14+ (Guideline)
Nick Helm: Phoenix from the Flames
QueenDome - Pleasance Dome
Live Nation in association with Glorious Management
16+ (Restriction)
Nick Helm's I Think, You Stink!
Upstairs - Assembly Roxy
Live Nation in association with Glorious Management
12+ (Restriction)
Simon Munnery: Alan Parker Urban Warrior Farewell Tour
Stand 1 - The Stand Comedy Club
Show And Tell / Simon Munnery / The Stand Comedy
14+ (Guideline)
Stewart Lee: Wok In Progress
Grand Hall - The Stand’s New Town Theatre
Stewart Lee / The Stand Comedy Club
16+ (Guideline)
Tim FitzHigham and Thom Tuck in Macbeth
Basement - Heroes @ Black Medicine
Two Perfomers, a World-class Script and Not Enough Time
14+ (Guideline)
Tom Parry: Parryoke!
Beside - Pleasance Courtyard
Live Nation in association with Troika
14+ (Guideline)
Tony Law and Phil Nichol: Virtue Chamber Echo Bravo
The Big Cave - Heroes @ The Hive
Heroes / Tony Law and Phil Nichol
18+ (Restriction)
Zoë Coombs Marr: Bossy Bottom
Monkey Barrel 4 - Monkey Barrel Comedy
Soho Theatre in association with Token Events
16+ (Restriction)