目下ワテクシの超お気に入りの監督さん、The Wrong Mansの監督Jim Field Smith氏。ヴァージン・アメリカにて空の旅をするまっただなか、スチュワーデスにガンガンビールをつがれ、いい旅夢気分ななか、「今から2時間質問受けつけるぞーーーー!」とつぶやきまして…
監督なんで質問もそんなに殺到しないし、みんな質問する人たちがオタクなんもんだから、すごく面白かったです。詳しくはJim Field Smith監督のツイッターフィードをご覧下さい。
@jimfieldsmith are you planning a second series? (i.e. is S1E6 gonna be a cliffhanger ? )すると、いい気分なのでペロっと
— Miki Inamura (@whiteanklesocks) October 24, 2013
@whiteanklesocks it's in the works. i will say that we finish in the style we always finish.そうかもう、作っているのか! しかもやっぱりこの言い方だとクリフハンガーじゃないのか?!
— Jim Field Smith (@jimfieldsmith) October 24, 2013
Here's the proof: #TheWrongMans #MileHighQandA pic.twitter.com/NhJ48jeY8cと、もっといい気分な監督が、
— Jim Field Smith (@jimfieldsmith) October 24, 2013
Come on, #TheWrongMans fans, I know you can ask more niche questions than this! #MileHighQandAとさらにファンをさらに煽ってきたので、調子に乗ってききたかった質問もしました。
— Jim Field Smith (@jimfieldsmith) October 24, 2013
@jimfieldsmith ...sorry, it's me again. How did Tom Basden come on board? Are you all in a good circle of friends?すると、ホントにペロっとお返事してくれました
— Miki Inamura (@whiteanklesocks) October 24, 2013
@whiteanklesocks we all knew him, and he already had been involved as Noel in the pilot. we drafted him onto writing team after that.パイロットを作ったのは、なんと2年前に遡るとかなので、2年前っていうと、奥さん!丁度、鼻血が出るほど傑作だったFresh MeatS1E8の頃で、BAFTAでBreakthroughとっちゃった頃じゃない?! 繋がるっ!繋がるわ!
— Jim Field Smith (@jimfieldsmith) October 24, 2013
@jimfieldsmith have you ever kissed @JKCorden on the lips for longer than 4seconds for genius impro?
— Matt Hamm (@matthamm) October 24, 2013
@matthamm @jkcorden James and I refuse to kiss on the lips, like Pretty Woman. Everything else is fair game. But rarely lasts more than 4s.とか
— Jim Field Smith (@jimfieldsmith) October 24, 2013
@jimfieldsmith if Sam and Phil were superheroes, which superheroes do you think they would be #MileHighQandAとか
— Nicole (@ramcambam) October 24, 2013
@jimfieldsmith What's the strangest thing you've ever seen Mat do? Same question for James?
— Martha (@MarthaABuss) October 24, 2013
@MarthaABuss Mat once sent Ben Whishaw in his place and no-one noticed until lunchtime. James one time arrived at work on a camel.
— Jim Field Smith (@jimfieldsmith) October 24, 2013
そしてエピソード3のRecovery Positionギャグについても質問が!
@jimfieldsmith Also, can you say whose was the 'recovery position' gag? It's still making me smile weeks later...
— Kerrie M. (@Shoebox6) October 24, 2013
@Shoebox6 it's Ep 3 so it's probably either @realmatbaynton or Tom Basden but hard to say for sureへえええええ(ぽっ)へええええ。
— Jim Field Smith (@jimfieldsmith) October 24, 2013
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