イギリスを主とする海外コメディをガツガツご紹介するブログです。産地直送のイキのよいコメディ情報を独断と偏見でピックアップして(だいたい)絶賛します。***トホホな事情が発生して今まで書いていたGo Johnny Go Go Go を更新できなくなってしまいました(涙)今までの膨大な海外コメディ記事はhttp://komeddy.blog130.fc2.com/です。



For the last 15 years, globalization and subsequent internet driven culture have changed Japanese people's English ability. There has been a significant increase in the number of bilingual. More people have been studying abroad. Cable and satellites have changed the situation in Japanese entertainment industry, too. There are more demand for oversea TV contents. Popular TV dramas and entertainment programs are transmitted ever so faster.
Considering these elements, we strongly believe there should be a bigger market for UK comedy here in Japan, as long as people are provided with 'right' or 'adequate' information. We started this blog so as to help providing such information, to raise the awareness of great UK comedy and comics throughout Japan, sharing our love of English speaking comedy with others. It will be our pleasure if any of the comedy related products / people we mentioned here eventually make a way to this far-east land.
If you have any Japanese related comedy project, it will be our pleasure to be at your service. please contact Miki Inamura, contact@geeksguidetoscotland.com

This is a non-profitable website.
The copyright of each photo on this website belongs to those who own its copyright. if you are uncomfortable with any of the links or photos here, please contact us.


いなむら @whiteanklesocks が主に海外コメディをご紹介といういばらの道を突き進んでおります。

だいこくさん @dikoku http://d.hatena.ne.jp/uk_usa_tv/
ちえこさん @chieko
なびさん @navyblue85
また、女子ものコメディを担当してくれているのがKen君 @kennw8 です。


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